Nome Sobrenome Legal

By 24 de Novembro, 2022No Comments

This surname, known worldwide, became popular because the first man to set foot on the moon, American astronaut Neil Armstrong. In the 11th century, at the time of the urban revolution in Europe, with the explosion of population in small medieval towns, little more than villages, the use of a second name became so common in these suddenly developed cities, and where people had more difficulty getting to know each other, that in some places it was hardly considered a surname. But although this phenomenon was the beginning of all surnames that exist today, most of the names used in the Middle Ages and in modern times have nothing to do with the family, that is, none were necessarily hereditary, until the introduction of the civil registry with legal force in Portugal in 1911. It should be noted that up to 17. In the nineteenth century, even the royal family had no surname, and only its members were treated with their own distinctive names and titles. As one of the most common American surnames, Taylor is also used as a given name. It means “tailor”, “tailor”, “butcher”. A great actress who wore it was Elizabeth Taylor. In Portugal, the law only requires that a first name be given when registering a beginner, and one of the father`s paternal surnames, not necessarily the father`s surname, may even be that of the father`s mother or the paternal surname of the middle. A middle name, maternal surnames or up to four paternal surnames are legally optional, i.e. they depend on the will of the parents. The application for a change of surname (first name) or surname must be made in court by a lawyer who corrects the civil status.

In addition©, it is stipulated that citizens may legally change their name within the first year after reaching the age of majority, i.e. at the age of 18,© provided that no surname is changed. According to a survey published by IPEA in 2016, the vast majority of Brazilians have surnames of Iberian origin. In a universe of 46,801,772 Brazilian names analyzed, only 18% of them had at least one surname of non-Iberian origin (Germanic, Italian, Eastern European or Japanese). Iberian surnames dominate most of Brazil, with the exception of much of southern Brazil, western São Paulo and the Espírito Santo Mountains, which have welcomed many non-Iberian immigrants over the past two centuries, as well as areas of expansion of the agricultural borders of the States of Rondônia, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. who have welcomed migrants from southern Central Africa over the past three decades. However, the study noted that surname does not necessarily reflect “cultural or genomic ancestry, as there is, among other things, a loss of matrilineal ancestry and marriage, name changes in marriage, which can reduce the accuracy of such an indicator.” [2] In addition, black Africans, Indians and their descendants were given Portuguese surnames in Brazil. [3] Although Brazil is a Portuguese colony and is strongly influenced by Lusitanian culture, the system of maintaining the family line by the adopted surname is the French system. The structure of the name in Brazil consists of “first name, maternal surname and paternal name”. The surname of a particular family line is therefore immortalized only in male births. See that in the case of a female girl, her father`s surname, which was her last name, appears as her son`s middle name because it becomes the surname of the child`s father. Thus, from the point of view of private law, natural or legal persons, by virtue of their status as subjects of rights, have the right to name their personal identity; From the point of view of public order, they have the duty to have a name, to identify them before society.

The civil name consists mainly of the individual name (called a given name) and the surname (paternal name, surname, surname or cognom), and the applicant must mention this in full when registering the newborn [9]. In other situations that are not provided for by law, but are permitted by doctrine and jurisprudence, you have the right to change the civil name. As an example, we can cite the case of transsexuals who have undergone gender reassignment surgery and who have obtained the name and sex change contained in the civil registry [23]. Until the end of the 19th century and the middle of the 20th century, it was common for women, especially women from a very poor family, not to receive their father`s surname and therefore not to be known only by their first name.